Rafiq Jacobs and Bilqees Baker as Bo-Kaap residents will take you through their neighbourhood on authentic walking tours. With more than 25 years of tour guiding experience between them they also believe in supporting other entrepreneurs in the community which is incorporated in the various tour options available.
Through their heritage, tradition and culture you will learn more about the history of enslaved people and Political Exiles; and when it comes to food there are cooking classes and Fine Dining Bo-Kaap style savouring the tastes of Cape Malay fragrant meals and be sure to have entertainment with some Ghoema Music too. More details of tour offers can be discussed via whatsapp by clicking on the button above.
The music and sites to be discovered and explored can also be viewed in a short video here.
Operating times and days: Mon – Fri 09h00 – 17h00, Sat 09h00 – 13h00
Instagram: @bokaap_roots
Brent Thomas and his wife Donita a local traditional herbalist will take you on a hike, walking the footsteps of their forefathers and learning about the indigenous plants that grow in the mountains they live on and how they use it to make herbal remedies for their own use and the community they live in
Culture Clothing started after a life long dream from childhood of having a clothing brand. I remember sitting in the bus on my way to work one day, I grabbed a book and a pen out of my bag and started drawing. By the time I got to work I had my first 2 designs and I was so excited, I couldn’t wait to see the end results.
Proteam SA provides an authentic and educational township walking experience, emphasizing the profound impact of our country’s history, culture, and the collective journey forward as a community.