Tom Lanoye’s Die Fel Omstrede Kroon van Edward II en Gaveston, with a stellar cast, directed by Marthinus Basson at The Baxter for a short season from 16 to 27 January 2014.
Die Fel Omstrede Kroon van Edward II en Gaveston by Tom Lanoye, Belgium’s most famous novelist and playwright, comes to the Baxter Flipside for a limited season, from 16 to 27 January 2024 at 7.30pm, with a matinee on 19 January at 2.30pm.
Lanoye’s work is well known in South Africa and he is famous for award-winning plays such as Koningin Lear, Mamma Medea and Bloed en Rose.
Performed in Afrikaans with English surtitles, this exciting drama is loosely based on Christopher Marlowe’s Edward II of 1594. Marlowe, a contemporary and rival of Shakespeare, himself happily reworked the tragic history of King Edward II of England who was deposed in 1327 after a messy reign and was then, possibly, murdered by the nobles.
Directed and designed by Marthinus Basson, the stellar cast comprises Edwin van der Walt as Edward II, Beer Adriaanse as Gaveston, Rolanda Marais as Queen Isabella, Caleb Payne as the crown prince, André Roothman as old king and old Mortimer and Wilhelm van der Walt as young Mortimer. Marijke Coornaert in a review for Litnet described them as, “The glittering pearls of this crown are the six actors … Together they elevate each other, challenge each other and are one in each other’s greatness.” Music is by David Wolfswinkel and lighting design by Nicolaas de Jongh.
The question arises: ‘what does it mean to wear the crown and how do you reconcile your own needs with the expectations of the nobility and the mob, as well as those of your wife and child?’ These questions have been much discussed recently after the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the succession of the present king with the complex history between king and ex-wife, the conflict between parent and children and the added tension between public and political sentiments.
King Edward I is dying and would like his crown can go to his grandchild instead of his son whom he despises because of a relationship with his childhood friend, Gaveston, who at this point is in exile. But Edward II is crowned, Gaveston is unbanned and their love not only thrives, Gaveston is elevated to the status of king himself. This leads to consternation and the fury of both the nobility and the populace.
After an incident in which Gaveston publicly exposes the archbishop for the scum he really is, he is banished yet again. The situation turns into a political and personal crisis for all involved.
In this masterly adaptation by Tom Lanoye, whose language can be described as ‘a dazzling firework display’ (Litnet, Marijke Coornaert,) he explores love, power, personal choice, children, complex relationships and the place of the individual within a society under the weight of a heavy crown.
Leatitia Pople for Die Burger wrote, “It is theatre that makes you think and ponder what the pillars of a civilized society could be”, while Andréa Müller for Kleinti said, “Astounding. Dramatic, sharp with much humour and intense passion. I have never seen or heard anything like it in Afrikaans before.”
There is an age restriction of 16 years (nudity and language).
Die Fel Omstrede Kroon van Edward II en Gaveston runs at the Baxter Flipside from 16 to 27 January 2024 at 7.30pm with a matinee on 19 January at 2.30pm. Booking is now open at Webtickets online ( or at Pick n Pay stores.
Tom Lanoye se Die Fel Omstrede Kroon van Edward II en Gaveston, met n skitterende rolverdeling en regie deur Marthinus Basson by Die Baxter vir ‘n kort seison van 16 tot 27 Januarie 2024.
Die Fel Omstrede Kroon van Edward II en Gaveston deur Tom Lanoye, België se mees befaamde skrywer en dramaturg, is te sien by die Baxter Flipside vanaf 16 tot 27 Januarie 2024, met ‘n matinee op Saterdag 19 Januarie om 2.30nm.
Lanoye is bekend in Suid Afrika vir sy bekroonde stukke soos Koningin Lear, Mamma Medea en Bloed en Rose.
Hierdie opwindende teaterstuk is losweg gebaseer op Christopher Marlowe se Edward II van 1594. Marlowe, ʼn tydgenoot van Shakespeare het self heerlik herskep aan die tragiese geskiedenis van Koning Edward II van Engeland wat na ʼn morsige bewind in 1327 van die troon afgeset is en daarna vermoor is deur die adellikes.
Die vraag ontstaan: wat beteken dit om ʼn kroon te dra en dan, hoe versoen jy as koning jou eie behoeftes met die verwagtinge van die adel en die gepeupel, asook dié van jou vrou en kind? Vrae wat die afgelope paar jaar weer groot opslae gemaak na die dood van Koningin Elizabeth II en die komplekse geskiedenis tussen koning en eks-vrou, konflik tussen ouer en kind dan nog publieke en politieke sentimente.
Koning Edward I lê op sterwe en hoop dat sy kroon aan sy kleinkind kan gaan in stede van sy seun wat hy minag as gevolg van dié se verhouding met sy jeugvriend, en nou ook banneling, Jonker Gaveston. Maar Edward II word wel gekroon as koning en Gaveston word ontban. Hierdie liefde gedy en Edward II maak van Gaveston sy gelyke tot die ontsteltenis van die adel en die bevolking.
Ná ʼn voorval waarin Gaveston die aartsbiskop publiek ontmasker vir wát hy werklik is, word hy weereens verban en die situasie ontaard in ʼn politieke en persoonlike krisis wat iedereen raak.
In hierdie meesterlike aanpassing van Tom Lanoye, waarvan sy taal as ʼn spetterende vuurwerk beskryf is, (Litnet, Marijke Coornaert), kyk hy vlymskerp na die liefde, mag, keuses, kinders, komplekse verhoudings en die plek van die indiwidu binne die samelewing onder die gewig van ʼn baie swaar kroon.
“Die Skitterende pêrels in die kroon is die ses akteurs: Edwin van der Walt as Edward II, Beer Adriaanse as Gaveston en die ligbringer, Rolanda Marais as Koningin Isabella, Caleb Payne as die kroonprins, André Roothman as ou koning en ou Mortimer en Wilhelm van der Walt as jong Mortimer. Saam hef hulle mekaar op, daag mekaar uit en is in grootsheid aan mekaar gewaag.” (Marijke Coornaert, Litnet)
“Teater wat jou opnuut laat besin laat oor wat nou eintlik die pilare van ʼn beskaafde samelewing sou wees.” (Laetitia Pople, Die Burger)
“Asemrowend! Dramaties en skerp met fyn humor en baie passie. Ek het nog nooit iets soos dit in Afrikaans gesien of gehoor nie.” (Andréa Müller. Kleinti)
Die Fel Omstrede Kroon van Edward II em Gaveston is te sien by die Baxter Flipside vanaf 16 to 27 Januarie 2024, met ‘n matinee op Saterdag 19 Januarie om 2.30nm.
Regie en ontwerp is deur Marthinus Basson, musiek deur David Wolfswinkel en beligting deur Nicolaas de Jongh. Hierdie is ʼn projek van Raminidam in samewerking met Novieguide. Die stuk sal speel met bo-titels in Engels. Daar is ‘n ouderdomsbeperking van 16 jaar (taal en naaktheid).
Besprekings in nou oop by Webtickets ( aanlyn of by Pick n Pay winkels.